Next Regular Board Meeting: Monday, August 19th at 6:00 P.M.



Heather Liebfred, President
Timothy Zellweger, Vice President
Jeffrey Yette, Board Clerk
April Fullerton
Thomas Morrison
Jared Remington
Christina Snell
Janine Sullivan
Matthew Wendig

"It is our privilege to serve the students, staff, and community members of the Parishville-Hopkinton School District. We are all dedicated to providing our students with a world-class educational experience, preparing them for success in life after high school. We have an exceptional collaboration of administrators, teachers, and staff working hard to accomplish this."

The PHCS Board of Education wishes to thank all candidates who ran for a Board Member seat and
District residents for their votes on the 2024-2025 School Budget and Board Candidates.

Congratulations to newly elected Board Members April Fullerton and Matthew Wendig! Their five-year terms begin July 1, 2024.

Best wishes to outgoing Board Members Cassie Hayes and Joseph McGill!

Running for the Scool Board - What all Prospective School Board Members Should Know

What do we do?

The Board of Education consists of nine voting members who have been elected at large by the residents of our district to five-year terms unless they have been elected or appointed to fill a partial term. Each member serves voluntarily and receives no compensation for their service. The Board of Education is the governing body of our district and is responsible for conducting the business of the school district within the laws of the State of New York and the regulations of the New York State Commissioner of Education, including establishing policies, approving and monitoring the budget and the financial planning of the district. The administration of the district is delegated by the Board of Education to the Superintendent of Schools, who serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Board of Education.

What authority does a single Board Member have?

The Board of Education is only a board when a majority of the members are present at a meeting. An individual board member cannot act on behalf of the entire Board. All actions of the Board of Education require a positive vote of at least five members, known as a quorum.

When do we meet?

The Board of Education meets a minimum of one time per month on a Monday evening. The meetings begin at 6:00 p.m., and these meetings typically fall on the third Monday of the month. All meetings are open to the public and we encourage residents to attend. Our meeting schedule can be found here.

What do we discuss at meetings?

The Board of Education focuses on several topics at their meetings, largely dependent on the time of year. Early in the school year, the Board meets to discuss the strategic planning of the district. Throughout the year, presentations are made by district personnel to keep the Board well-informed of what is happening in the building, and personnel changes are approved all year long. Budget preparation and planning discussions occur for several months of the year as well. The meeting agenda can be found on the Board of Education page.

Can I address the Board of Education?

Yes, you can. The President will open the public comment section of the meeting. Any individual wishing to address the Board of Education will be asked to stand and state their name, address, and topic of discussion. You will be given three minutes in which to speak. This time should be used to address specific school matters and cannot be used to attack any person or persons, nor comment on executive session subjects.  Comments are addressed to the President.

Will the Board of Education respond to concerns made by the public in a public meeting?

No. The President will thank the individual for their comments. The Board of Education may direct the Superintendent of Schools to prepare a written response. In all cases, the chain of command should be followed when seeking a resolution to an issue. Start at the level closest to the issue (teacher, coach, principal, etc.) and progress to the next level from there. If your issue does not get resolved, it can be brought to the Board of Education.

Public Hearings

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Public Hearing will be held by the Board of Education of the Parishville-Hopkinton Central School District on Monday, July 1, 2024 shortly after 6:00 P.M. in the Cafeteria at 12 County Route 47, Parishville, New York, in conjunction with the scheduled Regular Board of Education Meeting, for the purpose of reviewing the District's Building Level Emergency Response Plan and Plain Language Summary and the District-Wide School Safety Plan, pursuant to Chapter 181 of the Laws of 2000 and Section 2801-a of the Education Law of the State of New York.

The District-Wide School Safety Plan is provided to public inspection and review prior to Board of Education approval at the August 18, 2024 Regular Meeting.  Please provide comments/suggestions to the District Safety Committee by corresponding to Superintendent Steven Coffin at by August 1st, 2024.