PHCS COVID-19 Screening and Testing Plan Fall 2020

Parishville-Hopkinton COVID-19
Screening and Testing Plan


Screening in School

Instructions and protocols will be communicated to all students, staff, parents, community members, and visitors utilizing multiple methods for screening. The District website will contain updated COVID information and safety protocols. Mailings and/or emails will be sent to parents and students. All vendors and visitors will be notified of safety protocols. Time sensitive or emergency information will be shared via OneCallNow, through website alerts, and on school social media.  Training will be provided to students, staff, and parents.

For Students:

  • Students entering the building will have their temperature taken by a trained staff member. 

  • Students who fall ill while at school will be required to be assessed by the school nurse.

  • The school will maintain a separate isolation room for those displaying COVID symptoms. 

  • Students sent home ill will be required to have a healthcare provider follow-up prior to returning to school/work 

  • Staff members will discreetly ask a symptomatic student to check in at the COVID -19 isolation room for a follow-up screening. 

  • Parents will be instructed to keep their children home if they exhibit any signs of COVID symptoms.

  • Parents will be required to sign an attestation at the beginning of the school year stating they will screen their children daily, including temperature checks prior to coming to school or boarding the bus. 

  • Parents will hold their children at home if they show any symptoms and will notify the school nurse 


For Staff:

  • Staff will receive appropriate training to recognize symptoms of COVID19 and will be continuously instructed to assess students in their care as well as other staff members and immediately notify the school nurse if anyone displays symptoms. 

  • Staff members will discreetly ask any symptomatic students to check in at the COVID -19 isolation room for a follow-up screening. 

  • Staff members who fall ill while at school will be required to be assessed by the school nurse.

  • The school will maintain a separate isolation room for those displaying COVID symptoms. 

  • Students and staff members sent home ill will be required to have a healthcare provider follow-up prior to returning to school/work 

  • Any staff member who replies “yes” to any of the screening questions will need to immediately notify their supervisor and seek a follow-up with their health care provider 

For Visitors:

  • All visitors, guests, parents, and vendors will be required to sign-in to a visitor log to collect contact tracing information and to complete a self-screening survey posted at every entrance 

  • Anyone who has an affirmative answer to the survey will be denied admittance to the school building 



Testing in School

The CDC does not currently recommend universal testing of all students. Universal SARS-CoV-2 testing of all students in school settings has not been systematically studied. It is not known if testing in school settings provides any additional reduction in person-to-person transmission of the virus beyond what would be expected with implementation of other infection preventive measures (e.g., social distancing, cloth face covering, hand washing, enhanced cleaning and disinfecting). 

For Staff:

The Department of Health has revised guidance to increase testing for frontline workers, including all first responders, health care workers, and essential employees (which includes those working in schools) who interact with the public, while continuing to prioritize resources. Testing for COVID-19 shall be authorized by a health care provider for individuals who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  •  An individual is symptomatic or has a history of symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g. fever, cough, and/ or trouble breathing), particularly if the individual is 70 years of age or older, the individual has a compromised immune system, or the individual has an underlying health condition 

  • An individual has had close (i.e. within six feet) or proximate contact with a person known to be positive with COVID-19 

  • An individual is subject to a precautionary or mandatory quarantine 

  • An individual is employed as a health care worker, first responder, or other essential worker who directly interacts with the public while working 

  • An individual presents with a case where the facts and circumstances,as determined by the treating clinician in consultation with state or local department of health officials,warrant testing 

  • An individual is included under other criteria set by the NYS Department of Health based on an individual’s geographic place of residence, occupation, or other factors that the Department may deem relevant for COVID-19 testing purposes

  • Employees may be required to furnish a negative test result prior to returning to work.

  • A note from a healthcare provider denoting a negative test result may be required to be provided to their supervisor prior to returning.

  • Testing may also be required prior to the return from school breaks of greater than 3 days.

  • If an employee receives a positive test result, they must immediately notify their supervisor and follow all orders from the Public Health Department and furnish a negative result before returning.

  • Testing for COVID-19 is covered under the St. Lawrence-Lewis School District Employees' Medical Plan. 

Types of Tests:

Viral tests approved or authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) are recommended to diagnose current infection with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. Viral tests evaluate whether the virus is present in a respiratory sample. Results from these tests help public health officials identify and isolate people who are infected in order to minimize SARS-CoV-2 transmission.

Antibody tests approved or authorized by the FDA are used to detect a past infection with SARS-CoV-2. CDC does not currently recommend using antibody testing as the sole basis for diagnosing current infection. Depending on when someone was infected and the timing of the test, the test may not find antibodies in someone with a current COVID-19 infection. In addition, it is not currently proven whether a positive antibody test indicates protection against future SARS-CoV-2 infection; therefore, antibody tests should not be used at this time to determine if someone is immune.

CDC recommendations for SARS-CoV-2 testing are based on what is currently known about the virus SARS-CoV-2 and what is known about it continues to change rapidly. Information on testing for SARS-CoV-2 will be updated as more information becomes available.


New York State continues to increase testing capacity for COVID-19 on a daily basis. The guidance below enables New York State to prioritize resources to meet the public health need. Individuals who have questions regarding eligibility or access for testing should call the New York State COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-364-3065 or visit the NYSDOH website


Call the testing site or your health care provider before you go for testing.

  • If you go to a test site run by New York State, there is never any charge for your test.

  • If you go to a test site operated by local governments, private companies including pharmacies and medical practices or not-for-profit organizations, you are advised to check with the testing site and your insurer in advance of being tested to confirm you will not be responsible for any fees associated with your test.